What can you expect, ECE graduate, from the average day of working in the field?

We asked some Ottawa ECEs what they were doing at: 8:45am, 1:30pm, and 3:15pm.

Here's what they said:

8:45: heading out to the kinder yard to greet the kids and supervise the yard.

1:30: tidying up a table for snacks, and admiring a "sleepover party" that the kids had set up by moving all our chairs onto the carpet to make beds.
3:15: playing "Mario kart", in which the kids and I each run around the painted track on our yard making sound effects and laughing our heads off.
MS-K D  
8:45am (after getting my girls up,dressed,lunches made, and out the door too the bus for 8) i have put a load of laundry in from my basement that flooded on Friday! And am working on one of my online courses.
1:30 on a bus going to my school for working in my extended care 2:30 to 5:45 shift
3:15 i was outside in my kinder yard with 40 kinders playing on the newly opened for the season play structure!!!!

At 8:45am I am leading Circle (songs, games, interactive experiences or inquiries)
1:30pm. children are getting up from their "quiet time place" and going to learning centres, 3:15p.m. (Dismissal is at 2:55p.m.) organizing the classroom, changing the learning centres (as needed) reflecting on the day's happenings with my teaching partner, calling parents, printing off documentation, writing in my journal about children's learning, changing bulletin boards, and displaying children's art.

8:45: Working on a paper for an online ECE class.
1:30: arriving at my after school program for JKSKs.
3:15: coming inside for afternoon snack after playing tag, hide and seek, and sleeping beauty games with the children in the warm sun.

8:45: having snack with the toddlers and chatting about their evenings the day before, and what we would like to play with outside this morning.
1:30: toddlers are sleeping so it's paperwork time while supervising the sleep room.
3:15: enjoying afternoon snack before we head back outside to play!

ERIKA 8:45 - I am at work waiting for the bell to ring, signally my outdoor duty has started. 
1:30 - our second nutrition break started 5 min ago so by now all the children "should" be sitting at the desks eating 
3:45 - dismissal is at 3:30, so all the children are gone, my self and my teaching partner are likely discussing the day or planning. 

That's my day! Would want it any other way!

8:45am: The children are at school and I'm meeting with my head teacher, brainstorming ideas for our new and improved webbing display.
1:30pm: I'm eating my lunch before returning to work for the second half of my split shift. 3:15: The children have settled on the carpet after coming back from school and we are diving into our community time. On the agenda today is our new "worm food" bucket and what we'll use our compost for.

8:45am.... had my tea while my home daycare children do freeplay.
1:30pm.... log books on each child, supper prep/laundry/art while children sleep.
3:15pm.... children starting to wake up.

ALANNA Not currently being on the floor, my day is a bit different.
At 8:45, 1:30 or 3:45 I am either on my way to a class or home marking papers/exams or getting ready for my class. My in between time would be spent writing papers for the classes I take. Never a dull moment.

Don't laugh but at 8:45 am, I was just getting out of the shower this morning lol. 

I don't start work til 10:45.

And at 1:30, I was eating lunch! again don't laugh lol

At 3:15, I was helping take a kinder to the office who had fallen off the climber and got her hand stuck between the railings. What a day!

8:45 I was doing a circle,
1:30 I just finished rubbing the final preschooler's back and putting him to sleep.

3:15 I was picking up my kindergarten kids from school and transitioning them into our daycare.


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